The proposed methodology proposes a careful analysis of the present situation in terms of attractiveness of the STEM disciplines in the concerned partners at all levels of school education. After the first phase, definition of actions to empower and enhance the attractiveness of the STEM disciplines at the school level. Final evaluation.
Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Portugal, Turkey.
Erasmus+ - Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field.
UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE, Liceo Scientifico Statale "Niccolò Copernico", ANKARA OZEL TEVFIK FIKRET ANADOLU LISESI, IIS FERRARIS BRUNELLESCHI EMPOLI, INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO PORTO, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, Tartu Kivilinna Kool, Istituto Comprensivo Don Lorenzo Milani, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET GRAZ, NPO Robootika, Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale Silvano Fedi Enrico Fermi, TARTU ULIKOOL, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Toscana
european project, primary school, robotics, secondary school, stem, training.